The future of security systems in your home and office

The future of security systems in your home and office

Currently, home security is relatively simple, yet incredibly effective. If you have an alarm system, you probably have contact sensors on your largest entry points, and motion sensors inside your home to detect unwanted intruders. A single trip of any of these sensors, and hey presto: your alarm is triggered.

However, people who are intent in robbing from you will come up with increasingly intricate ways of fooling your alarm system, so home security devices need to constantly evolve to stay one step ahead.

What can we expect to see in home security improvements over the next 20 years?

Integration with home monitoring systems

Hi-tech home monitoring systems are already with us, but over the next twenty years they will become even more sophisticated.

You’ll soon be able to have complete control of your home – your lights, your blinds or curtains, your alarm system – even when you’re in a completely different country. Imagine begin able to turn on your downstairs lights when you’re on holiday, to fool people that you’re still at home. The technology is here now, and it’s going to get cheaper.

In addition, your home security system will inform you of every aspect of your home’s situation, and you can view the output from your security cameras from anywhere via your mobile device. From the air quality to the alarm, it’ll all be there in a tap.

No more keys

Locks have played an important role in all aspects of security for hundreds of years, but with locks you get keys, and keys can be lost or stolen. Over the next twenty years, technology will advance to the stage where you no longer need a key to open a lock.

Face recognition software will unlock your door when you need to get in, or you can use fingerprint sensors so you can open up via a simple touch panel. We’re already fitting locks that open with a remote, just like a car lock would.

You’re in when you’re out

Someone rings your doorbell. The intercom buzzes and you ask who it is. As the person was simply testing to see if you were in, they leave.

The thing is – you’re currently on a different continent. When the doorbell rang it automatically connected to your mobile phone, so you could ask who was calling. Now you’re at home, even when you’re not.

Intelligent security systems

If you have a home security system now, you know that you have to set it when you leave home, and turn it off when you’re back. You won’t need to do this with future systems, as they will be intelligent enough to know your movements and set alarm systems accordingly.

You can also tell them what you want to happen in certain situations. Say you have a 14 year old son who keeps nipping down to watch TV when he should be doing homework. You can tell your security systems he’s banned from the lounge while you are out, and your mini big brother will send you a text if he doesn’t obey the rules.

Staying ahead

Home security has come a long way in the last 20 years, but there’s real potential still to untap over the next two decades. By 2035 you’ll feel more secure about the safety of your home than you’d ever thought possible.

To modernise your home security, speak to Angel Security today. We’re clued up on all the latest gadgets that will keep your home secure.